Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Museum of Natural History

The trip to the museum was very intresting..because I havent been to one since i was like 12...however it was a great learning experience. Although it was tiring it was very fun. I did have pics but my wack phone wont allow me to email them.

The Exhibit that my group(Tianna and myself) decided to focus on was the "African Peoples."

We chose to do "African Peoples", because we felt connected to the exhibit in a way. When we entered the exhibit everything was so powerful from the colors, costumes and figures that were shown in the installations.

The installation that struck me the most was "Pokot Women." This installation focused on the Pokot women in Africa and their lifestyle.

Logos: During puberty the pokot women undergo a clitoridectomy in public to show there strength and there new found status as women.

Ethos: There were several items shown in the installation. many which represents their culture. There was sets of clothing and beads, these sets represented the different age group of the women. Every stage wore different things to separate them from each other. The knife that was used in there public show was also present.

Pathos: After reading and viewing this installation I did in someway feel sympathetic, but thats the way of life that they have to live and that they are accustomed too

1 comment:

PEARL said...

yup we had that connection